Latest News and Messages

Dear Parishioners,

The program for September marks the beginning of the Church Year and Fathers Day. May we have a Blessed Year. It contains important Feasts like the Birth of MOTHER OF GOD & Elevation of the HOLY CROSS.

Also October has many important Feast days culminating in St Demetrios and Greek National-OXI Day. Of course, the big news is that Hazelhurst is hosting a Greek Australian Art Exhibition from the 22nd of Sept onwards, and we will run the stalls on that day.

Also the other very HISTORICAL MOMENT we are about to experience is the visit of His All Holiness PATRIARCH BARTHOLOMEW as per the program and registration form below. This is a once in a lifetime experience!

Also we will soon release our very special Annual Raffle. Tickets will be available soon! Finally, please note the State Youth Conference, 21st of Sept. at Bankstown. May God Bless You All.

May God bless you all.
Fr Constantine.

Scan the QR code above to take you to the registration page. Please register to attend the Patriarchal Liturgy ASAP and other events. On the registration the form you can indicate if you will be requiring bus transport from your local Parish.
Pictures from Ben Read’s talk on “My Journey Of Discovery To Orthodoxy”. He is an active member of our Parish and kindly did a presentation to the Youth Orthodox Cafe in the Hall on Friday 26th of July.

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES – If you would like to join any of our volunteer groups you can do so by speaking to Father Constantine directly or emailing – to obtain more information or register your interest. Here is some general information about current groups that support our Parish

This group is responsible for the operations of the Church and its activities and requirements

This group provides support and catering for coffee after Church and at specific Church events. It maintains general sales after Church services to raise money for the Church programs and to support families in need.

This group is responsible for maintaining the Church grounds and cleaning of the inside of the Church. This group meets on Friday mornings.

This group is responsible for developing the calendar of events and project managing events throughout the year. Volunteers are not expected to assist at all events but can choose how they participate based on their interest or skills

This group is responsible for cooking meals to distribute to local charities once a month. Volunteers are not expected to assist each month but are notified of what is required and can volunteer as available. This group offers many opportunities from sourcing products required for preparing meals, cooking, packaging and delivery

This group includes teachers required for Sunday School, Scripture at local public schools both primary and high school and our after school Greek lessons

There is always a need for volunteers in general. If you would like to register your interest you can be notified when we need some support. Trades are also welcome to register as there is a requirement from time to time for small repairs and maintenance.

Upcoming Events

For our Young Adults the flyer and program for the Orthodox Cafe are below. This is a great meeting place for our young people and we encourage any new people to come.


Positions available for St Stylianos Greek School Teachers for 2024.  Must have online skills.
If interested please contact Fr Constantine on 0418 51 1212. 

St Stylianos Parish Charity Support

Dear Parishioners,

Hope you are well. In our endeavors to help we would like to again offer our support to those in need in these difficult times. Feel free to contact us in confidence. Together with helping our own parishioners in need we have started a new initiative to broaden our charity outreach.


Our Parish Committee, Philoptochos and Youth including the Orthodox Cafe have endorsed this new initiative. We have located these two charities that we would like our Parishioners to support as part of the broader community and in conjunction with our current program. We are adding Dandelion Support Network and Women’s and Girls Emergency Centre and their details are below.

Dandelion Support Network
Where are they: Caringbah
What they do: Dandelion fills a service gap in the community service industry and is built on a partnership model, working alongside social workers and case managers to support families. They accept donations of good quality preloved and new nursery furniture and items for babies and children for families in need.

Women’s and Girl’s Emergency Centre
Where are they: Redfern
What they do: Women’s and Girls’ Emergency Centre (WAGEC) is an organisation that supports women in social isolation and domestic violence, families in crisis and advocates for social change in the community. Every night, they support 200 women and children impacted by homelessness, domestic violence and systemic disadvantage. They provide material aid, case management, biopsychosocial support, accommodation, and crisis responses. Equally they seek to address the underlying causes of gender-based violence through primary prevention activities with communities and private and public entities.

The Parish will eventually collect items for these charities. However, due to Covid 19 restrictions and lockdown we can only accept monetary donations at this stage, and we will purchase the items and deliver them to the locations. If you would like to donate money towards our charitable work, then please click on the image below and direct your donation to one of the 3 locations listed.

Thank you in advance for your support for our vulnerable and needy.

God bless you all.
Fr Constantine Varipatis

Livestreaming ofservices now available at Saint Stylianos YouTube Channel

28 October Celebrations @ St Stylianos (Photos)

Iviron monastery is one of the biggest monasteries on Mt Athos. It is an amazing monastic community and building that is set in a beautiful area of the world: the Garden of the Mother of God! It’s been made by a professional photographer who spends a lot of time at the monastery. It is very inspirational and a blessing that we have such monastics praying for us . Enjoy!
God Bless
Fr Constantine


Dear Friends,

We would like to kindly ask you to help our team of volunteer teachers to help young kids learn more about the Bible and the Orthodox Church in Public Schools.

Please look at becoming a Scripture teacher. It is not something difficult but it is a great blessing for all. In particular is would be good to be part of the “be there for me” campaign as some of our teachers are elderly and need support at this time. Please feel free to watch this video prepared by the body that coordinates Scripture in Public Schools for which we are members.

May God bless you and your family.
Fr Constantine Varipatis(can be contacted on 0418 511 212)

Consecration of our Parish by His Eminence Archbishop Makarios